(i) Information Technology: Software Engineering, Mobile Computing, Distributed Systems, Information Systems, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Visualization and Computer Graphic, Image Processing, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Internet of Things, etc
(ii) Communications and Vehicular Technology: Computer Networking, Telecommunication Systems, Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, Network Security, Cognitive Radio, Cooperative Communications, Radio Resource Management and Optimization, Vehicular Communication Systems, Information Theory and Coding Systems, etc.
(iii) Power Systems: Electric Power Generation, Protection, and Conversion, Power System Analysis, Electrical Measurements, High Voltage Insulation Technologies, Power Transmission and Distributions, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, Photovoltaic Technology, etc.
(iv) Electronics, Circuits, and Systems: VLSI and Microelectronic Circuit Design, Embedded Systems, System on Chip (SoC) Design, FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) Design and Applications, Electronic Instrumentations, Electronic Power Converters and Inverters, Electric Vehicle Technologies, etc.
(v) Control Systems: Control Theory and Applications, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Control, Optimal Control, Robust Control, Adaptive Control, Linear and Nonlinear Control Systems, Complex Adaptive Systems, Industrial Automation and Control Systems Technology, etc.
These topics are organized into 5 separated tracks to ensure the proper distribution of papers to reviewers based on their expertise.