Oral Presentation Guideline


Time Allocations

Oral presentation slots are 18 minutes long in total – that includes questions and handovers. Session chairs will hold you this time. You need to obey instructions ordered by the session chair.

Please, make sure your presentation is not more than 15 minutes long, so that you allow at least 3 minutes for questions along with time to be introduced, etc. Longer presentations mean that only a single question can be accommodated, or even none at all, although questions are often the most interesting part for both speaker and audience.

In order to synchronize multiple sessions, session chairs will enforce these limits. To assure a successful oral presentation please follow a few simple rules:

A rule of thumb is that each slide should take about 1-2 minutes (in average), i.e. you should not try to present more than 13-15 slides (even 15 slides is rather packed). Practice and time yourself.


Meeting with Session Chairs

All presenters are to meet with their session chair, in the scheduled room in which they will be presenting, 10 minutes prior to the start of the session. The session chairs will be identified in the Information Board at the conference venue. Presenters should provide the session chair with a short biography of 2-3 sentences maximum.


Presentation Slides

The presenter should prepare a reasonable number of slides, so as not to exceed the 15-minute time slot. Typically, one illustration is presented in 1-2 minute. Additional illustrations could be prepared to support possible answers to questions from the audience. Each slide should not be crowded by text and graphics. Too much text should be avoided: illustrations should support the presentation; they should not be simply read by the presenter. Graphics help in communications, are more understandable, and point out the basic ideas. Use large fonts (20-24 point) so they can be read easily.

All presenters who wish to use the LCD projector are encouraged to bring their personal notebook with presentation slides to the meeting with session chairs, 10 minutes before the start of their session. Some presenters may use the notebook provided in the presentation room. For such a case, please upload your presentation material on the laptop in the session room or contact the helpdesk support near the registration desk; such arrangements should be made well in advance of the session. Common presentation formats are Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) and Portable Document Format (PDF).

If you use a file in PPT for presentation, it is suggested that presenters should embed all custom/used fonts in your PPT file to avoid display problems – How to embed all fonts in PPT.


How to embed fonts into your PowerPoint presentation:
Microsoft Office 2010 and 2013

  1. Click File, and then Options.
  2. Select the Save button.
  3. Check the Embed Fonts box.

Microsoft Office 2007

  1. Click the Office button, and then Options.
  2. Select the Save tab.
  3. Check the Embed Fonts box.

Microsoft Office 2003

  1. On the File menu, click Save As.
  2. On the toolbar, click Tools, click Save Options, select the Embed True Type Fonts check box, and then do the following:
  3. To embed all the characters in the font set, select Embed All Characters (best for editing by others).

Note: If you plan to have others review and edit your file, it is best to embed the full font set. Though, this will create larger files.

PowerPoint 2011 for Mac and other Mac versions of PowerPoint cannot embed fonts

Remember your talk may not overrun.  If you risk it, you may end up without the opportunity to present your conclusions, which are the most important part.



The standard equipments available in each of the presentation rooms are as follows:

  • Projector Screen
  • LCD Projector with VGA port
  • Standard All-in-One PC with Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit Service Pack 1
    • Dell OptiPlex 9010
    • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770S CPU @ 3.10GHz
    • Ram 8G
    • HDD 1T



We prepare some software in each PC in presentation rooms.

Presentation Software:

  • Microsoft Powerpoint (Office Professional Plus) 2013 – PPT
  • Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional – PDF
  • Foxit Reader v. – PDF

Other Available Software 

  • 7-Zip 9.20 (x64 edition)
  • ACDSee 16 v.16.0.76
  • Definition Update for Microsoft Office 2010
  • Google Chrome v.45.0.2454.101
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • VLC V.2.1.3
  • Skype v.