The server of ICITEE 2015 website will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance during a period between Friday, August 14, 2015, from 19.00 PM and Sunday, August 16, 2015, 20.30 PM. (Local Time in Thailand)
However, this maintenance does not affect the manuscript submission on EDAS conference management system ( Authors can still submit or upload their manuscript regularly.
All papers must be submitted electronically through EDAS Conference papers submission system ( If you do not have EDAS account, please create an account to submit your contribution. It is suggested that you use Firefox or Chrome instead of Internet Explorer. The decision regarding the acceptance of the papers is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee.
Please prepare your manuscript according to submission guideline given in the Author Information page before submission.
Request for Delay of Submission
For authors who wish to postpone their submissions, ICITEE 2015 organizers exclusively allow the delay of submission as per request. The authors must, however, comply with the following steps:
1) Register to submit a paper at EDAS conference management system:
2) Send a request to delay with your paper ID# to
3) Upload your review manuscript no later than 14 August 2015 (midnight, AoE time zone or 15 August 2015, 18.59 pm. Local Time in Thailand)